Viz-Impact is an Annual Exhibition organized by the Rachana Sansad College of Applied Art and Craft department students. This exhibition showcases curated works right from the First year to the Final year students. The show gives a clear idea about the course; students’ learning process, basics of Design, importance and use of Calligraphy/Typography and Illustration to Campaign Planning, innovative Set Design models and Creative Photography Projects. Viz-Impact, every year attracts Art and Design aspiring individuals from all around Mumbai to view and experience the creative explorations of young designers. Invitations to well known creative personalities and leading professionals from the industry lead to sharing their views and guidance on the student works who are profession-ready with their passion and dedication. Interaction of top Design Studios and Advertising Agencies during the exhibition lead to campus recruitment/placement through Final Year student interactions and presentations of their portfolios. The exhibition not only brings out their best creative works onto the stage but also encourages students to exhibit their skills of Performing Arts.